Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about rates or our rate request?

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Frequently Asked Questions

A. We partner with non-profit organizations who provide assistance to those needing help. Should you need assistance, we offer programs to support our residential and business customers as well as flexible payment arrangements for residential and business customers. We also provide opportunities for our customers to qualify for cash-back rebates through our residential and business conservation programs.

A. Our free online energy audit helps our residential customers manage their energy usage and spend. A variety of appliance calculators also are available to help customers pinpoint opportunities for savings. If you’re thinking of replacing or upgrading with more energy-efficient appliances, we offer cash-back rebates for residential and commercial customers.

A. Base rates are part of the “Customer Charge” and the “Distribution Charge” line items on a customer’s bill.

  • Base rates make up about half of a total bill and cover the costs of the pipes, maintenance and customer service to get natural gas to its point of use, but not the cost of the gas itself.
  • The other half is made up of charges passed through from natural gas suppliers and municipalities to our customers with no markup or profit to Peoples Gas.

A. Unlike retail stores, regulated utilities must go through a formal process to change the amount they charge their customers. The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) regulates utilities, including ensuring fair and reasonable rates for customers. The PSC has final say on the amount Peoples Gas can charge customers. Several factors are considered, including the company’s prudent costs to provide safe and reliable service along with providing a reasonable return on its capital investment.

A. As the company has grown, Peoples Gas consistently provides our customers with a superior customer experience. 2023 marked the 11th consecutive year we ranked highest in the south midsize segment of the J.D. Power Gas Utility residential customer study. 2022 was the fourth year in a row and sixth time since 2016 that we were highest in the south segment of the business study.
