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Stay Alert to Scams

If you have been a victim of a scam or were contacted by a scammer, please report it to us and also contact your local law enforcement or Crime Stoppers at 800-873-TIPS.

Your input helps us monitor and counteract scammers and their techniques. If you fell victim to a scam, a Peoples Gas representative will follow-up with you at the phone number or email you provided.

Utility scams are on the rise! Scammers are aggressively targeting utility company customers with sophisticated tactics to pocket quick cash. Peoples Gas has partnered with more than 150 gas, electric and water utilities to stay up-to-date on the most commonly used scams to help you protect yourself.

CheckForID_PGS.jpgWhile scammers are always looking for new tricks, here are their most common tactics:

  • The caller pretends to be a Peoples Gas employee and insists your account is delinquent. Caller ID may even falsely display our number and appear to be Peoples Gas.
  • The caller threatens to turn off service to your home or business if payment isn’t made immediately.
  • The caller demands immediate payment only with a prepaid card or wire transfer and provides a call back number that mimics our customer service line.
  • Increasingly, the scammers are asking you to download and use a payment app (like Zelle). Some even request payment through cryptocurrency.

If you suspect a scam phone call – hang up

If you receive a suspicious text – delete it

If you get a visitor without official Peoples Gas identification – shut the door

All Peoples Gas team members and contractors working for Peoples Gas are required to carry photo identification cards. If someone claiming to be a Peoples Gas representative visits your home or business, request to see an ID badge or call the company to verify his or her identity. If you are uncertain about an individual’s association with Peoples Gas, please contact the company for verification at 888-223-0800.

Remember these tips to stop scammers in their tracks:

  • Peoples Gas will never call to ask for credit card or debit card numbers.
  • Be wary of anyone demanding payment over the phone for a utility bill.
  • Never give credit or debit card information over the phone.
  • Know what you owe. Reference your most recent bill or log into your online account to check your account status.
  • Always check website URLs before submitting a payment online.

More helpful information about utility scams:

Please share this information with friends, business owners and members of your family, especially the elderly, who are often victimized by scammers.

If you have been a victim of a scam or were contacted by a scammer, please report it to us via the form below and contact your local law enforcement or Crime Stoppers at 800-873-TIPS.
