Customers value utility’s environmental efforts
TECO Peoples Gas, Florida's largest natural gas distribution utility with about 375,000 customers, is being celebrated among the country's energy utilities for environmental leadership, according to a customer survey conducted by Cogent Reports, a division of Market Strategies International.
Peoples Gas has been designated a 2018 "Environmental Champion," based on scores from Cogent's Environmental Dedication Index.
"We are proud to serve the energy needs of our customers with clean-burning, domestic natural gas and we offer rebates to encourage customers to improve their own carbon footprint," said T.J. Szelistowski, president of Peoples Gas. "We are committed to protecting and enhancing our environment, and equally pleased that our customers recognize our efforts."
Peoples Gas was named "Most Trusted Utility Brand" in the United States by Cogent Reports in 2017 for the fourth year in a row, and also was designated a Customer Champion by the same group.
Peoples Gas System, Florida’s largest natural gas distribution utility, serves about 375,000 customers across Florida. Peoples Gas is a subsidiary of Emera Inc., a geographically diverse energy and services company headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.