The People of Peoples Gas: Evette Moreno


Evette first started working for Tampa Electric when she was still in high school, beginning as a student clerk. 

By 1999, she’d moved to Peoples Gas and she was on her way to creating her own destiny. “My mom showed us to be very independent. So I never wanted to depend on anybody else. I don't like leaving things to chance when I can control it.” 

In her early years at Peoples Gas, Evette wasn’t just building her own career – she was building our company. She took on multiple roles to help our team connect the dots, today, recently having earned her MBA, she uses her experience in leading several areas over gas supply and trading, transportation services and resource planning in her role as director of gas supply and trading.

  • The gas supply and trading function purchases low-cost reliable fuel supply to serve customers, monitors market conditions, operations, and constraints on the various upstream pipelines and optimizes the interstate pipeline transportation portfolio. 
  • The transportation services team provides account management services to commercial and industrial customers, and third-party gas suppliers.
  • The resource planning team performs analytics, modeling, and planning functions for the optimization of the gas portfolio using tools that provide insight into how we can best serve customers reliably. 

Evette is happy to have family close. She’s one of three sisters, and they once ALL held jobs for a TECO Energy company, each of their own accord. Her sister, Denise Toole, still works just one floor up, as an IT professional with the Tampa Electric team. Evette has never second-guessed her long-standing career path with Peoples Gas. She says she hopes to stay on the team as long as she’s working, and ultimately, it comes down to the people. 

“For me a lot of it is just the people I work with. I’ve enjoyed every different person I’ve worked for. I don't know what it is, but you can tell the difference between Peoples Gas people and other people.”
