The People of Peoples Gas: Shana Rini


Meet Shana. She’s our manager of integrity management, and her career has been driven by a passion for helping people live safe, healthy lives. 

From a background in athletic training, to a career at Peoples Gas focused on safety and system integrity, Shana has always had the wellness of others in mind. Today she even serves as the representative of the gym for our Tampa office team members. As manager of integrity management, she helps our team focus on the core of safe, reliable energy delivery – our vital infrastructure.  

Leading a team she lovingly refers to as “data nerds”, Shana and her squad are constantly collecting information from across the organization. They utilize these data points to build risk models and develop initiatives that address issues and, even better, prevent problems from happening in the first place.  

Among her team’s favorite tools, cutting-edge MobileGuard vehicles to find potential leaks – just by driving through our communities. MobileGuard is a cutting-edge, laser-based technology that detects and analyzes methane gas emissions and uses special software and wind speed calculations to pinpoint the exact location of the emission sources. Peoples Gas is the first natural gas utility in Florida to use this technology.    
